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This is a service package that creates your own private space, independent of external factors. If the Internet were to disappear, the company could continue to work in its own space, performing the necessary work. We also install everything from scratch if you don't have anything created yet.

This service package consists of five components: internal computer network, e-mail server, website server, file server and mobility package. All these components are installed in the company's internal network and are independent of various suppliers. It costs only the installation, after that there are no subscription fees. Briefly about each of them.


Company space

1. Internal computer network

This is a common internal company computer network that connects all company devices and computers. We install the OS and other software on internal computers, configure the internal network. If you already have such a network, we adapt it to the new conditions.

2. Email server

We assemble and fully install, configure the server. All server software is open source, no additional fees will be charged for the programs. The number of mailboxes and domains is not limited, the capacity is limited only by the capacity of the available computer equipment, so if large volumes are planned, you would simply have to purchase a "hard disk" with a larger capacity. We physically assemble and install the server after coordinating the needs with the client. We install security certificates, you will not have to pay extra for them on a regular basis.

3. Website server

We assemble and fully install the web server. All software is open source and therefore free with no subscription fees. Sometimes there is a need for additional paid plugins, but whether you need them is up to you. We install the website on the server, but we do not maintain and improve it, we only perform basic website installation work. If there is a need to delegate the maintenance of the website to us, it should be discussed additionally. Site improvement and maintenance work can be performed "from outside". We install certificates at no additional cost in the future.


4. File server

We fully install and configure the file server. So that you don't have to use foreign "cloud" services, you will keep all your information and files on your own server in your office or home. A very big advantage is the data "walking" speed, it is sometimes higher in the internal network than when using "cloud" services. The capacity depends only on the computer equipment you choose (HDD, SSD), there are no subscription fees. The server would be installed with open source software. If there was a need, this file server would also be accessible from the "outside", if it was necessary for clients or yourself to download/upload the necessary files. It's very convenient to use your own file server to send or receive larger files that we can't share via email. by mail due to file size.

5. Mobility package

We configure mobile phones to connect to servers - email, calendar, content managing system (CMS). Mobile phones without intermediaries connect directly to your mail, calendar and CMS.


As mentioned in the local network section, we would suggest installing open source operating systems on all company computers. We work with most Linux OS, which today are not far behind Windows OS or Apple OS (it's the same Linux, only paid). We do it ourselves and sincerely offer our customers to fully use the world of open source.